Malware is the fastest growing concern for business security.  Let the team at Retupmoc ensure that you are as protected as you can be from the threat of Malware, or if you are already infected, let us remove the malware and clean your PC.

Malware is a general term used to refer to software that is installed on a users computer that is malicious.  This includes viruses, trojan horses, spyware and ransomware.  These programs range from inconvenience to the user, allow data breaches right through to total loss of data.

While the more malicious software poses the greater risk to your company the "harmless" or inconvenience malware will potentially slow down your machines.  This impact may mean that you purchase new hardware before actually required, therefore costing your company money.

We should all be aware by now of the possibility and implications of data breaches.  A lot of breaches are a direct result of malware being present on company machines, giving the perpetrators access to internal information that allows them to gain full access via various means.

Retupmoc uses and recommends MalwareBytes Managed Detection and Response (MDR) for piece of mind.  MalwareBytes MDR provides powerful and affordable threat detection and remediation services with 24x7 monitoring and investigations, purpose-built for resource constrained IT teams.

So let Retupmoc ensure that your computer is as secure as possible. We ensure Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware software is installed and kept up-to-date, we keep the operating system fully updated and ensure that you are protected. If the worst does happen, and your systems are infected by a virus or spyware, we can remove it and ensure the system is clean and protected. Ensuring at the same time that your data is backed up and safely stored.