Don't let age be a barrier to learning IT.  At Retupmoc we take pride in our ability to remove the “geek speak” from IT training. Whether your new computer, phone, tablet or smart TV is getting the better of you, we provide the training you need, we also offer these to Seniors at a discount.

We can tailor the training to your specific requirements, or provide general training in the use of the computer, phone, tablet etc.

We offer individual one-on-one training as well as group training.  So get a few friends together and all learn at the same time.

At Retupmoc we offer simple hour sessions through to courses that may take several weeks to complete, all in the comfort of your own home.

We provide training in the use of:

  • Computers
    • General Operating System tasks, such as security updates and general housekeeping.
    • Application/Task Specific, such as Word Processing, Zoom, Skype, Email, Photo Management etc.
    • Backup – Don't lose those precious memories due to not having them backed up.
    • Virus, Phishing and Scam handling and identification.  There are some nasty things getting around on the Internet, designed to steal information from you, scam you out of your money, or just generally make life miserable.  Don't allow these things to scare you off the Internet, some fairly simple knowledge around this topic can help keep you relatively safe while browsing.
    • Printers and Scanners – Don't let that new hardware sit on the desk gathering dust, learn how to make the best use of it.
    • Installing software (applications)
  • Phone – Mobile Phones these days are everywhere.  They can be used as a simple phone, to send and receive Text Messages, and on “Smart” phones where you can browse the Internet, send and receive email, and install applications (apps) to do just about anything.  Don't let your phone control/scare you, take control of it and use it as you wish.
  • Tablet (iPad) – What is a tablet, do I need one, how do I use it?  These are just some of the questions we get on a weekly basis.  Or maybe you already own a tablet but are a little apprehensive to use it, or don't really understand what it can do.
  • WiFi (Wireless) Use WiFi to access the Internet from any of your wireless devices from all around your home or when on holidays or at a public “hot spot”, and how to keep safe while doing so.
  • Internet
    • General – Browsing the Internet on your device, whether it be a Computer, Phone or tablet.  How to browse, where to find information, and how to keep safe online.
    • Email – Sending and receiving email.  If you struggle with the concept of sending emails, don't distress, you are not alone, but help is at hand.  We can provide the answers to those simple, and not so simple, questions.  By the end of the session you will be sending email without a care in the world.
    • Forums/Chat Groups – Do you have an interest in something, but no ability to get out and talk to like minded people.  You may not be aware that the Internet is full of forums, or chat groups, that “chat” on just about any topic that you can imagine, and then some. Don't be isolated, learn how to get onto these forums and start chatting to like minded people from around the world on your special topic of interest.
    • Online Shopping – Almost anything can be purchased online these days.  Learn how to safely buy products online, and how to hunt down the best price.  Online shopping is safe, but you do need to follow some simple steps to keep it safe.  Just as you wouldn't walk down a dark alley with wads of cash, you should be vigilant about where you buy from online.
    • Video Chat – Do you have family and friends that you would like to see more of, but for various reasons; distance, time, weather; you never get the chance.  Or maybe you have kids or grand-kids that keep pestering you to “video chat”, "Zoom", "FaceTime" or “Skype”. Video chatting can be a simple solution to “seeing” the people we wish to see but are not able to as often as we like.  All you need it an Internet connection and a camera.  Let Retupmoc take the mystery out of video chatting, we can even help you set it all up.