Do you have data everywhere? In today's age of cheap storage, and cloud storage, it is easy to spread your data across multiple devices and locations. Whilst if done correctly, this can be a good back up strategy, if left unchecked, the data becomes a spaghetti mess. Resulting in you needing to hunt across several devices or locations for the current file, with the chance of finding and updating an older version, or just not being able to find the document/photo in question.

Let the team here at Retupmoc consolidate all your data into one storage place. This may then still be automatically copied across several devices and locations, as a backup strategy, but you will know that all your data is in the one place, and there is a greatly reduced chance of loosing files or updating old versions of files.

Maybe its just time for you to rethink your storage filing system, whether you are using a system in place that is able to help you find information quickly and effectively. This may be all your computer files, or just your music or photo collection. Do you hunt for that photo to show family or friends, but only find it once they have left?  Let us show you how to effectively store and categorise your photos so you can easily find them when needed.

Do you have multiple family members using the same device, let us show you how to keep clear separate records so other family members don't accidentally delete your files, and a shared area where shared information can be stored for all to access.