Malware is the fastest growing concern for both home and business users security.  Let the team at Retupmoc ensure that you are as protected as you can be from the threat of malware, or if you are already infected, let us remove the malware and clean your PC.

Malware is a general term used to refer to software that is installed on a users computer that is malicious.  This includes viruses, trojan horses, spyware and ransomware.  These programs range from inconvenience to the user, through to total loss of data.

Retupmoc uses and recommends MalwareBytes Premium for piece of mind.  While MalwareBytes does offer a fee version that will find and help remove malware after an infection, the premium version offers real-time scanning to prevent the infection. Malwarebytes is the next-gen security program that protects you from the most advanced (zero-day) threats, making anti-virus obsolete. While Malwarebytes may be purchased directly from, you may also purchase it directly from Retupmoc, usually at a discounted price.

So let Retupmoc ensure that your computer is as secure as possible. We ensure Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware software is installed and kept up-to-date, we keep the operating system fully updated and ensure that you are protected. If the worst does happen, and your computer is infected by a virus or spyware, we can remove it and ensure the system is clean and protected. Ensuring at the same time that your data is backed up and safely stored.